Wednesday, December 10, 2008 I doing this right? It's been sooo long since I've blogged I think that I've forgotten how to do it. I figured MANY readers were probably getting disappointed. Of course I'm being facetious (that means sarcastic, for those of you reading this that aren't nerds); we only have like three readers...

I just want to remind you real quick that Christmas is right around the corner and we can so easily get caught up in the moment and forget the true meaning of Christmas. If you really wanna know the answer to that, just watch the Charlie Brown Christmas. Linus hit it right on the nail. In a nut shell, here it is: God sent Jesus to save us (John 3:16). This is how he showed us his love. It was the ultimate gift, a perfect example of what mindset we should have toward giving. Also, Jesus gave his LIFE!!! This is just another example of Christ's love for us. We can easily forget this true meaning because of Santa, decorations (or the lack of...), and what Grandma is giving us.

We just need to remember our Savior in Christmas time. Also, we need to remember that it only lasts for like a month. Some of you know my mom, and know that she is like Scrooge. "Bah Humbug!" She's not anti-Christmas, just frustrated with it. She doesn't like the decorations and stuff, but she still loves Christ and loves the fact that God sent him to save us. She also hates shopping for Christmas presents...

Just remember, keep in mind what Christ gave us (eternal life) when you give to your loved ones.

Keeping CHRIST in Christmas,


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Amen. Good word Nathan!