Friday, November 21, 2008

Man, Oh Man...

I just wanted to say THANK GOD for good friends. Where in the world would we be without them?!? Usually when I see Nathan at school, I'm thinking some pretty bad thoughts, whether sexual or not. He throws the pinky up (along with teasing me saying "Get a haircut!"), and I start smiling. I think about what I'm doing and usually stop. If it weren't for him, I'd be thinking those thoughts 24/7.
When I'm at home thinking them, I always stop and wonder WWNS. WWNS=What Would Nathan Say?
I just wanted to post this to say, don't take anything for granted. ESPECIALLY friends. What you have can be taken away quicker than you can imagine.

God Bless and Rock On,


1 comment:

31:1 COALITION said...


I really appreciate that you appreciate me. I'm so glad I took that first step by inviting you to church like three years ago. I want you to know that you are an inspiration to me too. I also do the thing WWCT (what would Chance think).

Ohhh yeah, get a haircut!!! You know I'm just kidding!

In Christ,
